Remember Smartie cakes, caterpillars made out of dough and finger biscuit aeroplanes? Do you remember sitting on the kitchen counter creating masterpieces with chocolate sprinkles, hundreds & thousands, silver balls and twirly straws? Are these some of your sweetest childhood memories?

At Tessa’s we are passionate about baking and bringing back nostalgic memories through our bakes, but we also want to create those special memories for our future generation. Recently our little Annie, who turned 3 not so long ago, has started to take an interest in baking and her pure delight and excitement when baking has sparked a passion in me to want to share these special bonding moments with other families too.

It’s too easy in this modern world to become digitally distracted, to be overwhelmed by the pressures of life and to feel that we aren’t bonding enough with our children. But working side-by-side, talking through a recipe, mixing, baking and decorating are all opportunities to connect with our little ones, giving us quality time together doing something we enjoy whilst laughing, giggling and making a glorious mess. 

Getting kids involved in baking also helps to develop fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, and even early concepts of math and science into a fun activity they will enjoy. It is also a wonderful art and gives children the platform to be as artistic as they wish with their masterpieces. 

So with this in mind we would like to welcome you to Annie’s Baking Club, a fun monthly subscription box filled with special bonding moments and opportunities to learn. We will dream up a fun and interactive themed monthly box with step-by-step instructions and all the dry ingredients necessary to make delicious cupcakes, biscuits, tray bakes and more, Made like Mom’s!